This movie is a very simple and easy to understand interactive toy. A 3x3 matrix is mapped over Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. The elements of the matrix correspond to the elements of the numeric keypad on the keyboard, and by pressing one of the keys the corresponding cell in the matrix expands and Mona Lisa’s face is distorted in real time. The cells do not move independently but interfere with each other, repeatedly fluctuating between expansion and contraction, so that the proportions of the matrix vary in an infinite pattern depending on the timing with which the numeric keys are pressed. This means that it is not a sequential movie, with a predetermined plot line, but rather it has been designed to be a reactor, infinitely responsive to user input. The .swf movie one on my site is actually script controlled to a rather high level of detail, and it would be superfluous or even positively counter-productive to describe it all. So I will limit myself to describing the underlying thinking, and the main aspects of the script. I’m assuming a certain level of Flash and ActionScript knowledge in the commentary that follows. Regrettably there is not enough space to write this tutorial giving consideration to everybody, so all I can do is ask the beginners amongst you to forgive me if you find yourselves struggling to understand. The main processes within .swf file are divided into two phases. First, a field is created that specifies the interrelationship between the cells in the matrix. Then the correspondence between the numerical key input and the screen is established. I will describe, in sequence, the specifics of the actual operations in these stages. A source file for the tutorial has been included on the CD-Rom, filename, monalisa-tutorial.fla, and you should first refer to that for details of the basic movie configuration.